
Green Days Day Care Logo

A caring team looking after and creating independence and life skills for special and wonderful adults!

- Keely Wadham

Focus – Specialist Care

Focus is a group for people that have very specific needs. It has a core staffing group which provides consistency for the clients. Focus provides safe environments for people that find it hard to express themselves in other settings.

Long walks are a great way and we find a great release for our guys. Lots of the guys that use focus find it hard to express themselves and don’t understand the environment in which they live, this can then be displayed with behaviour that is not positive.

Focus is a very unique service that provides a very specialist consistent environment to which people can express themselves is a safe and secure way.

Focus runs on a Tuesday & Thursday, The group includes guys with complex and behavioural needs. They are a group which has been together for over 15 years, with new guys being introduced over a period of time. During our sessions, we base ourselves in the outdoor environment. We mainly cover the Somerset  Levels area including Burnham-on-Sea beach, Berrow sands, and the Apex Centre. During this time we have become very familiar with the surrounding community and feel very accepted with this.

Member of staff at Green Days using a person-centred approach to help a student create Christmas decorations
Green Days Carer with two happy students wearing Christmas hats
Focus group student smiling wearing a Christmas hat
Group photo of Focus group outside - Green Days Day Care
Green Days Focus Service at the Beach
Focus group at Green Days Day Care enjoying a picnic.

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